Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Hair Loss Treatment for Men: Now You Don’t Have to Worry about Side Effects

Hair loss affects both men and women, but it’s a more common condition in males. As men age, their hairline gradually recedes upwards and bald spots begin forming at the top of their heads, until eventually there’s only a rim of hair left on the sides. Why does this happen? Surprisingly, testosterone is to blame.

Simply put, when testosterone reacts with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, dihydrotestosterone (or DHT) forms. DHT is a naturally occurring hormone found in the prostate, adrenal glands and, of course, the scalp. DHT often causes damage to the hair follicles. With DHT build-up in the scalp, nutrient absorption by the follicles is obstructed. The follicles are then slowly made weaker, causing them to become incapable of growing thick, well-pigmented, and long hair strands.

Are There Side Effects When Using Hair Loss Treatments?

Unfortunately, there are negative consequences from using some hair loss treatments, and these usually occur when undergoing prescription products. The most significant symptoms include erectile dysfunction and diminished libido. Many users have experienced adverse sexual side effects while taking drugs like finasteride, and even more alarmingly, after stopping the prescription. Organizations like the Swedish Medical Products Agency and the UK’s Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency have looked into these claims and concluded that using the prescription hair loss treatment could result in permanent sexual dysfunction.

A natural hair loss treatment, on the other hand, successfully reverses hair loss in men without these sexual side effects.

What Is a Natural Hair Loss Treatment?

A natural hair loss treatment may refer to an all-natural supplement that is clinically proven to help men re-grow their hair. The regimen consists of tablets and a topical solution created from a blend of vitamins, minerals and herbs. These tablets are made from natural DHT blockers, the ingredients ranging from avocado oil to pumpkin seed meal, while the topical solution is applied to the scalp in order to battle DHT from the outside. Unlike other routines, an herbal hair loss treatment does not use harsh chemicals.

After a couple of months, you will notice significant results. This is because your body will be producing less DHT, making it harder for the hormone to bind itself to hair follicles, giving the follicles a chance to strengthen and grow thicker, longer hair. Using both the tablets and topical solution will speed up your efforts, as some users have reported improvement after a mere two weeks.

A hair loss treatment formulated with herbs presents a safe and effective treatment for hair loss. It’s usually available over the counter, helps men of all ages, treats levels of hair loss, and re-grows their hair. They don’t come with the sexual side effects (or other symptoms for that matter) its prescription counterparts are notorious for causing.